Establishment of MOPH X-ray standard and the approach for the quality system development of diagnostic radiology laboratory


  • Raevadee Siritunyanont Bureau of Laboratory Quality Standards, Department of Medical Sciences
  • Anong Singkavongsay Bureau of Radiation and Medical Devices, Department of Medical Sciences


quality development, MOPH X-ray standard, quality system and standard, diagnostic radiation laboratory


Background: The Diagnostic radiology laboratory is a healthcare service unit that requires to meet quality systems and standards.Objectives: To present how to set up the MOPH X-ray standard and the result of the standard implementation. Methods: There are two parts: part 1 setting the standard by descriptive research and part 2 the implementation of standards is carried out by laboratories applying for quality management system certification. The laboratories will be audited by the auditor team and reports of non-compliance with requirements will be analyzed and evaluated according to Pareto principle Results: The Standard of Diagnostic Radiation Laboratory, Ministry of Public Health, calling MOPH X-ray standard 2562 consists of 10 topics: 1.Organization and management. 2.Personnel 3.Tools and equipment 4.Quality assurance 5.Document control 6.Location and environment 7.Safety 8.Radiation service process 9.Reporting results 10.Internal audit and evaluation, with a checklist of 114 items for laboratory quality assessment.  The 204 diagnostic radiology laboratories was found nonconformities of the requirements, with an average of 9 items per laboratory. The development topic should be focused on 7.Safety, 4.Quality assurance, 6.Location and environment and 3.Tools and equipment. Conclusion: The MOPH X-ray standard can be applicable to all levels of diagnostic radiology laboratories and be beneficial to the health service system of Thailand.


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How to Cite

Siritunyanont R, Singkavongsay A. Establishment of MOPH X-ray standard and the approach for the quality system development of diagnostic radiology laboratory. J Chulabhorn Royal Acad [Internet]. 2023 Oct. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 1];5(4):191-203. Available from:



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