Depression Treatment Programs for Thai Adolescents in Schools: Meta-Analysis


  • Pratana Cheveewat Rajanukul Institute
  • Sasis Sukjaroen The Demonstration School of Thepsatri Rajabhat University
  • Nitibodee Sukjaroen Kasem Bundit University


Depression Treatment Programs, Thai Adolescents, School, Meta-Analysis


The objective of this research was to study the characteristics of research on depression treatment programs for Thai adolescents in schools and to compare the characteristics of research that has effect size values. The research synthesized includes experimental or quasi-experimental studies on depression therapy programs for Thai adolescents in schools. The studies were sourced from two databases: the Thai Journal Citation Index Centre (TCI) and the ThaiLIS database.  The quality of the research was assessed using the ROBINS-I tool, with overall bias rated as low and sufficient for calculating effect sizes. Thirteen studies with thirteen effect size values were included, covering research conducted between 2001 and 2020, involving a total of 584 adolescent participants. The average effect size was analyzed using the Meta-Essentials program.

The results showed that the distribution of the use of depression treatment programs for Thai adolescents in schools had high effect sizes, ranging from -0.63 to -4.93, with an average effect size of -1.57 and a 95% confidence interval of -2.22 to -0.92. The treatment programs were found to vary in their effectiveness at reducing depression. The top three programs with the highest effect sizes were life skills training programs, emotional management programs, and programs focused on consistency in worldview. Therefore, it is recommended to improve and develop high-effect-size treatment programs in an integrated manner to effectively reduce depression among adolescents in schools.


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How to Cite

Cheveewat, P. ., Sukjaroen, S. ., & Sukjaroen, N. (2024). Depression Treatment Programs for Thai Adolescents in Schools: Meta-Analysis. Journal of Nursing and Public Health Research, 4(2), e264699. Retrieved from