Caring for Non-Communicable Diseases among the Karen Ethnic Group with Cultural Differences: Nurse’s Roles


  • Eakaluk Dekyong Institute of Nursing, Mahidol University Nakhonsawan Campus
  • Watcharin Khamsa Faculty of nursing Northern College


Non-Communicable Diseases, Karen, Cultural Differences, Nurse’s Roles


In Thailand, there is diversity in ethnicities. One of the largest ethnic groups is the Karen ethnic group, which primarily resides in highland or mountainous areas of Thailand, especially in the provinces of Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, and Tak. They have their own language, beliefs, wisdom, customs, and culture, leading to a distinctive way of life compared to Thai people living in flat areas. Over the past 5 years, the Karen ethnic group has seen an increase in the incidence of non-communicable chronic diseases. The objective of this academic article is to present the role of nurses in providing culturally appropriate health care for ethnic groups with diverse lifestyles. This aims to align nursing practices with cultural behaviors regarding dietary habits, physical activity, stress management, alcohol and tobacco consumption, and health service systems, impacting the healthcare of patients with non-communicable chronic diseases within ethnic groups. It adheres to the culturally congruent nursing care of the "Sunrise Model," based on the concept of Leininger (2002), and uses this framework to guide nurses in decision-making for selecting appropriate nursing interventions. These interventions include: 1) preserving care, 2) negotiating with the healthcare team regarding treatment, and 3) making overall nursing adaptations. This facilitates a nursing process that helps patients adapt their lifestyles to conform to the healthcare model established by the healthcare team.


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How to Cite

Dekyong, E. ., & Khamsa, W. (2024). Caring for Non-Communicable Diseases among the Karen Ethnic Group with Cultural Differences: Nurse’s Roles. Journal of Nursing and Public Health Research, 4(2), e266538. Retrieved from