Association of age with overweight/obesity in the transitional from late-adolescent to early adulthood: a comparison of prevalence among five-, and three-aged groups


  • Jindarat Somjaineuk School of Nursing, Walailak University
  • Jom Suwanno School of Nursing, Walailak University


youth health, cardiometabolic risk factor, obesity, overweight


            This analytic cross-sectional study is aimed to examine the prevalence of overweight/obesity, and the association of age and overweight/obesity among five-, and three-aged groups of adolescents.  Among 2,462 adolescents, undergraduate students, who are a resident of dormitories of a university located in Southern region, three-hundred and fifty (14%) were recruited by using a simple random sampling. The proportion of female and male sample was 3:1, based on the total population proportion. Statistical analysis describes the prevalence of overweight /obesity. Variables with continuous data characteristics were analyzed by using one-way analysis of variance and logistic statistics.

            Results showed that nearly 1 in 3 adolescents (28.9%) are overweight or obese. Based on the Asia criteria, rates of overweight, obesity grade 1, and obesity grade 2 were 12.9%, 12.9%, and 3.1%, respectively. A univariate logistic regression analysis found that age was not associated with overweight/obesity where we compared among five-, and three-aged groups. A sub-group analysis was employed among 7 BMI groups based on Thai criteria and revealed non-significant relationship of age and overweight/obesity.   

            This study suggests that high prevalence of overweight/obesity is noted in this adolescent group. Thus, a comprehensive cardiovascular risk screening is needed to identify other comorbidities. Promoting individual’s healthy lifestyle and healthy environment in order to raise their awareness of obesity and health-related obesity is needed.


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How to Cite

Somjaineuk J, Suwanno J. Association of age with overweight/obesity in the transitional from late-adolescent to early adulthood: a comparison of prevalence among five-, and three-aged groups. Thai J Cardio-Thorac Nurs. [internet]. 2020 Aug. 9 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];31(1):142-59. available from:



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