Development of a system of care for sepsis patients in Nan hospital


  • Somporn Rodjinda Nan Hospital


sepsis patients, a system of care, outcomes of care


          The purpose of this research and development was to develop a care system for patients with sepsis in Nan hospital. The sample were selected based on a purposive sampling. There were fifty physicians and registered nurses caring for patients with sepsis at Nan hospital and community hospitals in Nan province. Sixty patients diagnosed with sepsis were divided in two groups. Thirty patients were evaluated before developing a care system. Other thirty patients were evaluated after using a care system. The research instruments were: (1) guidelines for caring patients with sepsis, (2) checklist of compliance with the care of patients with sepsis, and (3) medical history record. The research methodology was divided into three phases as: phase 1: analyzing the situation, problems, and factors affecting the care of patients with sepsis; phase 2: developing the care system for patients with sepsis; phase 3: evaluating of the effectiveness of the developed care system for patients with sepsis. The quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistic, and Chi-Square. The qualitative data were analyzed by content analysis.         

            The results indicated that the developed care system for patients with sepsis in Nan hospital consists of 1) the management system, 2) the service system, and 3) the proficiency enhancement system for physicians and registered nurses in Nan hospital and community hospitals. The outcomes of implementing the developed care system for patients with sepsis revealed that the client outcomes were improved in the screening rate in early detection of patients with sepsis. The complication rate of septic shock and the mortality rate of sepsis patients were tending to decrease. The outcomes of service providers were improved because physicians and registered nurses complied with the care standard of patients with sepsis.

            Recommendation: A system of care for patients with sepsis in Nan hospital showed effectively implementation. This should be continuously support and expand to use sustainably.


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How to Cite

Rodjinda S. Development of a system of care for sepsis patients in Nan hospital. Thai J Cardio-Thorac Nurs. [internet]. 2020 Aug. 9 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];31(1):212-31. available from:



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