A model of enhancing conversation skills in English for professional nurses, inpatient departments of Central Chest Institute of Thailand


  • Paweenuch Jeanagool Student Degree: Master of Science Nursing Administration, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University
  • Aree Cheevakasemsook Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University
  • Songsri Soranasataporn Faculty of Liberal Arts, Mahidol University


enhancing skill requirement, english conversation, professional nurses, inpatient department


This descriptive research study aimed: to analyze problems identified with, causes of, and training requirements for enhancing English conversation skills to create a model for enhancing their English conversation skills, and to evaluate the appropriateness of the developed model. The samples who worked in inpatient departments and were selected by purposive sampling were divided into two groups. The first group of data collection consisted of 12 professional nurses who attended a focus group discussion. The second one included all samples who responded to an English conversation questionnaire. Research tools comprised three types: a focus group discussion guideline, the English conversation questionnaire aligned with nursing activities, and a model appropriateness questionnaire. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and content analysis.

The results of this study were as follows. 1) Most nurses reported limited usage of English conversation skills. Three top causes of this shortcoming included (1) the nurses themselves were embarrassed, lacked confidence, and did not dare to speak English; (2) their workplace provided insufficient support; and (3) the environment did not allow an opportunity and few chances to practice conversation. The model included:              1) foreign teachers who could speak Thai and practically practice teaching-learning methods. 2) This model was formulated based on evolving problems. Causes, and the nurses’ demands with blended learning which included both learning and practicing: The theoretical section adopted developed 20 English conversations about nursing activities, face-to-face small group learning, role-playing, and self-learning. The practical section was divided into 2 categories: (1) practicing with simulation applying, in-service training by conversing about everyday subjects, confidence encouragement, and change of shift reporting; and (2) training during work time through English conversation of nursing activities employment, preceptor supervision system, paper presentation; and study tour abroad. Finally, 3) the model of enhancing their conversation skills in English was appropriate at 99.31%.


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How to Cite

Jeanagool P, Cheevakasemsook A, Soranasataporn S. A model of enhancing conversation skills in English for professional nurses, inpatient departments of Central Chest Institute of Thailand. Thai J Cardio-Thorac Nurs. [internet]. 2022 Sep. 24 [cited 2025 Jan. 20];33(1):35-49. available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/journalthaicvtnurse/article/view/249305



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