The influence of symptom distress, depression, and social support on spiritual well-being among older patients with advanced cancer during treatment
elderly with advanced cancer, spiritual well-being, symptom distress, depression, SOCIAL SUPPORT, GUIDED IMAGERY, PREOPERATIVE ANXIETY, HEART SURGERY PATIENTSAbstract
The present study was based on descriptive, correlational, and predictive analysis research designs with the aim of exploring the predictive power of depression, symptom distress, and social support on the spiritual well-being of elderly people with advanced cancer during chemotherapy or radiation therapy. The study applied O’Brien’s theory of spiritual well-being in illness. The sample was composed of 85 advanced cancer patients. Data were collected by using questionnaires which consist of demographic data, symptom distress, depression, social support, and spiritual well-being. The data obtained were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, and predictive power was analyzed by using multiple regression analysis.
According to the findings, most of the sample was composed of males with a mean age of 67.81 years (SD = 5.68) and a high level of spiritual well-being (Mean = 99.59 SD = 12.61). Physical symptom distress, depression, and social support were able to co-predict the spiritual well-being of elderly patients with advanced cancer at 30.6% with a statistical significance of 0.05. Physical symptom distress, depression, and social support were all statistically significant predictors of spiritual well-being. (β = .21, β = -.32, and β = .33, p < .05, respectively).
Based on the findings of this study, it is recommended that nurses should assess physical symptom distress, depression, and social support in elderly patients with advanced cancer. In addition, nurses should make nursing care plans to perform nursing activities to promote their spiritual well-being.
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