Radiographic findings with radiologic predictor of severity of acute pulmonary embolism in Sakaeo Crown Prince Hospital

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Narinthon Ousap


Background: Acute pulmonary embolism (APE) is a major public health problem that may present as a clinically challenging or life-threatening condition.

Objectives: To determine radiographic findings with a radiologic predictor of the severity of APE in Sakaeo Crown Prince Hospital.

Methods: Clinical and radiological data of 79 patients with APE were analyzed. All patients were classified by severity into massive and non-massive PE.

Result: 79 patients were recruited to participate in the study. Out of these 79 patients, 21.5% (17/79) were diagnosed with massive APE. The mean age was 56.30±14.90 years old (range 27 - 88). The most common chief complaint was dyspnea (62.0%). The most frequent risk factor was malignancy. Chest radiographic outcomes showing prominent central PA, a decrease in the vascularity of affected areas, and the presence of Knuckle sign were shown to be significantly related to massive PE (p<0.05). CTPE outcomes show that pulmonary obstructive index, RV/LV ratio, VSB grade 2, IVC reflux , decrease width LA/ pulmonary vein , SVC diameter, RA chamber diameter, intraluminal high attenuation and dilatation of central and segmental pulmonary arteries are significantly related to massive PE (p<0.05) . Furthermore, dilatation of the RA chamber and prominent central PA and IVC reflux grade 4-6 were statistically significant factors in the prediction of the severity of APE in multivariate analysis.

Conclusions: An increase in the diameter of the RA chamber (ranging from 57.00 mm(52.00, 61.00)), Prominent central PA(cut off >3.32 cm) and IVC Reflux: Grade 4-6 can predict the severity of acute pulmonary embolism. 

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