Editorial Expression of Concern
April 25, 2019
In the January - March 2019 issue, RMJ published a study “Learning Outcomes of Basic Life Support in Primary School Children (RAMAkids Club)” by Aramvanitch K, et al.
A concern was raised from a whistleblower that the study was conducted with unethical manners. To response from this concern, a confidential investigation is currently being conducted by Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University.
Pending the conclusion of the investigation, RMJ is publishing this Editorial Expression of Concern to alert our readers to the fact that serious questions have been raised about Ethical issues of Aramvanitch et al. paper.
Aramvanitch K, Sittichanbuncha Y, Tangkulpanich P, Tuangsirisup J. Learning outcomes of basic life support in primary school children (RAMAkids Club). Rama Med J. 2019;42(1):29-35. doi.10.33165/rmj.2019.42.1.132460.