ศิริราช 4.0 กับการพัฒนาบุคลากร

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สุชาดา ผลวัฒนะ
สุชาดา สุวรรณนิคม


Siriraj 4.0 on Human Resources Development
Suchada Pholwattana, M.B.A., Suchada Suwannikom, M.A.
Division of Human Resource Development, Department of Human Resource, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok 10700, Thailand.
According to the national reform policy called “Thailand 4.0” which encouraging the change of 4 dimensions such as farming, business managing, services, and the skills level of labors. Professor Dr. Prasit Watanapa, Dean of Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, applied this policy and synergized with the skill of 21st century called “Sufficiency Economy Philosophy” of King Rama IX along with the Siriraj culture to finally
launch “Siriraj 4.0” policy. This policy consisted of six strategic drives (6S) – Speed, Smartness, Smoothness, Slimness, Sufficiency Economy, and Siriraj Culture – which can guide employees to be able to adapt themselves corresponding to the national reformation including efficiently improve their works. Employees development to be ready and behave according to Siriraj 4.0 by leveraging WPD-Whole Person Development, this can encourage the completed development of 7 dimensions; i.e., intelligence, spiritual, physique, social, aesthetics, career, and emotion to be ready for changes and adaptation. Not only the communication or coordination will be smooth, but the employees will also ready to learn a new things no matter how much changes occurs if their mind and emotion are well prepared. This help employees sustaining adapt and develop.

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ผลวัฒนะ ส, สุวรรณนิคม ส. ศิริราช 4.0 กับการพัฒนาบุคลากร. Siriraj Med Bull [internet]. 2018 Jun. 8 [cited 2025 Feb. 10];11(1):65-71. available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/simedbull/article/view/127709
Review Article