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ณฐพล ธนสมบูรณ์พันธุ์
รุ่งกานต์ บุญปิยวงศ์
ไชยยงค์ จรเกตุ




Nowadays, Number of communication devices has been using in our daily lives, for example, mobile phones, smartphones, and tablets. Most people spend a lot of time using those devices for communicating or information searching. Consequently, musculoskeletal problem related smartphone using appear on their body parts, especially on the neck and the shoulder. The alignment of their cervical spine and muscles would be affected when they are looking down on the devices for a long period and resulting in neck and shoulder pain. The problem can be solved or lessen by adjusting their posture, reducing time spending on the devices or doing the neck exercise or muscle stretching to strengthen and give the flexibility to the neck part.


Keywords; craniocervical neck exercise, mobile, neck pain, smartphone.

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ธนสมบูรณ์พันธุ์ ณ, บุญปิยวงศ์ ร, จรเกตุ ไ. รู้ทันการใช้สมาร์ทโฟนก่อนเกิดปัญหาปวดคอ. Siriraj Med Bull [Internet]. 2020 May 8 [cited 2024 Sep. 17];13(2):113-9. Available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/simedbull/article/view/170440
Review Article


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