Thai Traditional Herbal Medicines Used to Treat Fever in Tamra Kanphaet Thaidoem (Phaetthayasat Songkhro Chabap Anurak) Volume 1 an analysis based on Thai traditional pharmacy and their scientific evidence

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Natchagorn Lumlerdkij
Watcharinporn Prompituck
Phiyaon Seeloopmorkk
Suksalin Booranasubkajorn
Suveerawan Limsuvan
Pravit Akarasereenont
U-tain Wongsathit


Objectives: (1) To study herbal medicines used to treat fever in the scriptures (2) to analyze the relationship between the number of crude drugs and the number of scriptures and (3) to review scientific evidence related to antipyretic property of the herbs

Methods: Herbal recipes and herbs mentioned for the treatment of fever in Tamra Kanphaet Thaidoem (Phaetthayasat Songkhro Chabap Anurak) Volume 1 were listed. The names of crude drugs were checked by experts in Thai language and experts in Thai traditional pharmacy. Then the literature search was performed using PubMed database to find scientific evidence related to antipyretic property on the crude drugs.

Results: Nine out of thirteen scriptures mentioned remedies for fever. Khamphi Sapphakhunya contained the highest number of herbal recipes (54 recipes), followed by Khamphi Prathomchinda (52 recipes) and Khamphi That Wiworn (47 recipes), respectively. The fever remedies included 70 single herbs and 187 herbal recipes. Twenty-seven herbs were used in more than 18 recipes. The literature search provided evidence related to the traditional uses of 17 herbs.

Conclusion: Our findings show that fever is an important symptom in Thai traditional medicine. The use of herbal mixtures is more common than single herbs. The lack of scientific evidence suggests that there is a crucial need for research on these remedies in order to provide the rational uses.

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How to Cite
Lumlerdkij N, Prompituck W, Seeloopmorkk P, Booranasubkajorn S, Limsuvan S, Akarasereenont P, Wongsathit U- tain. Thai Traditional Herbal Medicines Used to Treat Fever in Tamra Kanphaet Thaidoem (Phaetthayasat Songkhro Chabap Anurak) Volume 1: an analysis based on Thai traditional pharmacy and their scientific evidence. Siriraj Med Bull [internet]. 2020 Oct. 1 [cited 2025 Feb. 12];13(4):232-46. available from:
Original Article


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