ผู้ป่วยโรคติดเชื้อ Coronavirus disease 2019 : รายงานผู้ป่วย

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อำพวรรณ์ ยวนใจ
อุ่นเรือน กลิ่นขจร
สุพรรษา วรมาลี
จรินทร์รฐา วัชระเกษมสุนทร


Coronavirus disease 2019 or Covid-19 is a newly emerging disease possibly originated from animal-to-human
transmission. At the moment, it becomes a dreadful global issue due to the high contagion and the rising number
of deaths. It can present with various signs and symptoms. The outbreak of this respiratory illness in Wuhan,
China, has spread to at least six continents. The Ministry of Public Health of Thailand seriously takes this issue
into consideration and announces that this disease needs to be under surveillance and every new case must be
reported and registered in order to stop new incidence. The risk factors of the disease are travelling to China
or at-risk areas such as animal market and having a contact history with sick or dead animals. This is a case
report of a Thai person who had COVID -19. without any complication.

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How to Cite
ยวนใจ อ, กลิ่นขจร อ, วรมาลี ส, วัชระเกษมสุนทร จ. ผู้ป่วยโรคติดเชื้อ Coronavirus disease 2019 : รายงานผู้ป่วย. Siriraj Med Bull [Internet]. 2020 May 8 [cited 2024 Sep. 1];13(2):155-63. Available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/simedbull/article/view/241655
Case Report


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