Self - Propelling Wheelchair in Hemiplegic Patients

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Thanin Nuttaratat
Panintorn Konggateyai
Phairin Laohasinnarong
Wasana Wongsathan


Hemiplegic patients usually have a mobility problem, which is part of the activity of daily living, so they will perform everyday activities more difficult, such as moving to take a shower. The wheelchair is one of the mobility assistive device to help these patients move at a short distance instead of walking.

                There are many ways to use the wheelchair, and there are several types of wheelchairs specifically designed for different patients. This article presents techniques and methods using the wheelchair with only the unaffected hand and leg under supervision  either before or after the test to ensure the safety. The patients, therefore, will feel confident with the methods and be able to practice these in daily life, reducing the dependence on other people, and also increasing the self-value of the patients.

Key word: Wheelchair, Hemiplegic patients, Self-propelling

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How to Cite
Nuttaratat T, Konggateyai P, Laohasinnarong P, Wongsathan W. Self - Propelling Wheelchair in Hemiplegic Patients. Siriraj Med Bull [Internet]. 2020 Oct. 1 [cited 2024 Sep. 18];13(4):286-92. Available from:
Review Article


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