Introduction to Whole Body Cryotherapy

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Wijittraporn Taweesri
Yaninee Wongsa
Pakpoom Ruangsomboon


Cold has been used for healing since ancient times. There are continuous development models for increase the efficiency of treatment. Since 1978 Prof. Toshiro Yamauchi, Japanese doctor who developed first cryochamber, specially designed cryotherapy device for Whole body cryotherapy. This treatment involves exposing individuals to extremely cold at temperature below -110oC for a short duration, used to relive pain and inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis. Nowadays, Whole body cryotherapy enhance their recovery and wellbeing. It’s becoming popular amongst with a number of high-profile athletes across a variety of sports in order to prevent injury and promote recovery from injuries and after-season recovery. Moreover, many studies of Whole body cryotherapy is recommended for depressive, anxiety disorders and Alzheimer’s disease as well.

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How to Cite
Taweesri W, Wongsa Y, Ruangsomboon P. Introduction to Whole Body Cryotherapy. Siriraj Med Bull [internet]. 2020 Oct. 1 [cited 2025 Jan. 24];13(4):293-9. available from:
Review Article


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