Needs for Self Development of the Support Staff :Case Study in The Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital

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Onusa Kamonlakhorn
Wanlee Sriprapaporn
Ussanee Phongsai
Suthipol Udompunturak


Objective:To study the demand for individual overviews and professional skills developments, and factors related to the needs for developments of supported staffs.

Methods:  A research is quantitative using questionnaires as a tool to collect data.  The researchers distributed 385 self-assessment questionnaires to staff members of the Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital and 344 questionnaires were returned. Researchers collected data from September to October 2017.  The questionnaires were divided into 2 parts, the first part of questionnaires was on the status of the respondents and the second part was on the needs for developments.

Results:  General data have shown that the majority of females between the ages of 26-35 with bachelor's degree and hold university officer employment status have the high level of demands in individual overviews and professional skill developments have the score between 2.53 to 3.24. It also found that age factors have contributed to the influence of developmental needs in 3 aspects; knowledge and skills related to job aspect, English comprehensive aspect, and information technology aspect. According to the research, gender factors have only displayed on the needs for knowledge and skills related to job development, which are more demanding in females than males in comparison. For the educational factors, research has found that the needs for overall developments aspects. The study also found that the status of hiring has displayed the demands for cognitive, personality, and English comprehensive aspects and the needs in information technology related to job developments.

Conclusion: The need for personnel developments are more demanding in a younger age than an older age. Personnel in this age group have displayed great needs for developments in many aspects.  The personnel with bachelor's degree, or equivalent, also have a higher demand for development as compared to the personnel with below bachelor's degree.  Males have a higher need to develop than females.

Keyword: Development

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How to Cite
Kamonlakhorn O, Sriprapaporn W, Phongsai U, Udompunturak S. Needs for Self Development of the Support Staff :Case Study in The Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital. Siriraj Med Bull [Internet]. 2021 Jan. 4 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];14(1):1-7. Available from:
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