Is It an Appropriate Time to Apply 5G Technology in Anesthesia?

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Tassanee Jaiyen
Papiroon Noitasaeng
Pongsagon Vichitvejpaisal
Phongthara Vichitvejpaisal


The 5G technology has the capacity to impact the Internet of Things. It will help enabling cellular wireless information reliability and security. It has the potential to stabilize broad bandwidths. It transfers massive content without network errors and downtime but low latency and in real-time fashion. In medical field, 5G technology plays a role as a ubiquitous platform to integrate and manage networks, devices, applications and multiple connectivity wherever and whenever possible. By using high-quality livestreams, as well as monitoring and adjusting medication remotely based on collected patients’ data, this 5G technology helps physicians make faster, more informed decisions. In addition, the technology has the ability to enhance the quality of video conferencing, to improve online consultations, and even to provide support on remote procedures and robotic surgeries.

Wireless medical education or articles retrieval can use any other less expensive technologies. However, in order to adopt the 5G innovation on anesthesia practice, network infrastructure and sophisticated medical devices connected to the internet of things are necessities.

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Jaiyen T, Noitasaeng P, Vichitvejpaisal P, Vichitvejpaisal P. Is It an Appropriate Time to Apply 5G Technology in Anesthesia?. Siriraj Med Bull [internet]. 2021 Apr. 1 [cited 2025 Feb. 14];14(2):28-36. available from:
Review Article


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