Aquatic Exercise for Seniors Aquatic exercise for seniors

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Jirabhorn Kaewkomon
Supattra Chaibal


Aquatic exercise for seniors is a combination of the benefits of the exercises and physical properties of water applying to the elderlies. The workout provides advantageous impacts to the body system such as muscular system, skeletal system, and blood circulation. Furthermore, the impact force on joints from the activity can be decreased by buoyant force due to water. Additionally, the exercise has been affected in a positive way to mental health, for instance, it relieves stress and reduces fear of falls during exercise. Societally, having participation in a group exercise improves cognitive functioning decreasing dementia and depression. A variety of aquatic exercise postures can strengthen the different parts of the body. Nonetheless doing activity in a pool still concerns a couple of precautions. To achieve maximum benefit, the elderly should be under professional supervision and guidance during practicing.

Keywords : Aquatic exercise; seniors; health care

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How to Cite
Kaewkomon J, Chaibal S. Aquatic Exercise for Seniors: Aquatic exercise for seniors. Siriraj Med Bull [internet]. 2021 Jul. 1 [cited 2025 Jan. 26];14(3):48-52. available from:
Review Article


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