Roles of Nurses in the Prevention and Management of the Febrile Neutropenia in Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy

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Jantima Jamjumrus
Darika Chanpho


Febrile neutropenia is the medical emergency of cancer that is commonly seen in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. This complication might lead to sepsis and septic shock, potentially resulting in patient mortality. Moreover, it could decrease the quality of life and lengthen the circle of care. The dosage reduction of the chemotherapy could bring about an ineffective result of the treatment and also increase the medical expenses. Therefore, nurses play an important role in this circumstance. Nurses are required to understand the definition of febrile neutropenia and its causal factors, periodically screen and assess the risks of febrile neutropenia in all cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy by using MASCC Risk Index for Febrile neutropenia along with the neutropenia level assessment. Additionally, nurses should follow the standard guideline in caring patients with febrile neutropenia as well as the nursing guideline in preventing and managing neutropenia in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Nurses are supposed to possess knowledge in the dosage, management and the side effects of Granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) in order to prevent febrile neutropenia. These capabilities would direct to an early appropriate nursing for a better result in patient care, the quality of life, and the safety of the patients.

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Jamjumrus J, Chanpho D. Roles of Nurses in the Prevention and Management of the Febrile Neutropenia in Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy. Siriraj Med Bull [Internet]. 2021 Jul. 1 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];14(3):61-5. Available from:
Review Article


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