Guideline Practice of Thai Traditional Medicine Treatment for Prevention and Reducing Risk from COVID-19 Transmission

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Jakkarin Wattanakittikul
Kodchakorn Somchat
Tiyapat Meechai
Darunee Rattanawongsamethakul
Viewwadee Boonleang
Manmas Vannabhum
Supakij Suwanatrai
Pravit Akarasereenont


The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has spread in Thailand, causing social, economic, and healthcare disruption at a large scale. The viral spread of coronavirus 2019 has influenced the government to reinforce an Emergency Decree on Public Administration in Emergency Situations, social distancing, restrictions on business sector and health care institutions. This affects those who need medical and surgical care. Ayurved Clinic Applied Thai Traditional Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University is aware of the importance of reaching out to the patients during the pandemic. Therefore, a guideline of Thai traditional medicine treatment, designed for medical providers and patients is crucial for prevention and screening COVID-19 transmission. The guideline is composed of dividing workspace, initial screening for risk assessment, personnel protection, telemedicine, and procedure safety. It was later shown that both personnel staff and patients provided a high satisfaction score with the service. Additionally, during the service opening, there were no reports of COVID-19 cases in Ayurved Clinic Applied Thai Traditional Medicine. This guideline is recommended for preventing and reducing the risk of COVID-19 spread, and for setting a proper practice for healthcare personnel. It can also be adapted to best suit other situations or venues if needed.

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How to Cite
Wattanakittikul J, Somchat K, Meechai T, Rattanawongsamethakul D, Boonleang V, Vannabhum M, Suwanatrai S, Akarasereenont P. Guideline Practice of Thai Traditional Medicine Treatment for Prevention and Reducing Risk from COVID-19 Transmission. Siriraj Med Bull [internet]. 2022 Apr. 1 [cited 2025 Feb. 15];15(2):93-9. available from:
Review Article


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