Adaptive Devices for Activities of Daily Living (ADL) in Elderly after Hip Fracture

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Panintorn Konggateyai
Vipavee Thanapatiwat
Piyapat Dajpratham
Wasana Anuja


Hip fractures are more common in the elderly.  After surgery,  the elderly have limitations in doing various activities, especially Activities of Daily Living (ADLs). Adaptive devices are used to assist in completing ADLs after surgery such as a long sponge stick used to prevent bending over while showering, dressing stick, shoehorn, etc. Besides, adaptive devices can increase self-confidence, safety and reduce anxiety among patients and caregivers. Nowadays, adaptive devices are easy to buy at an inexpensive price. Also, there are the innovations of adaptive devices that facilitate the patient to do the activities of daily living such as home electrical control devices, and the proactive innovation that reduces the incidence of hip fracture.

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Konggateyai P, Thanapatiwat V, Dajpratham P, Anuja W. Adaptive Devices for Activities of Daily Living (ADL) in Elderly after Hip Fracture. Siriraj Med Bull [Internet]. 2021 Oct. 1 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];14(4):74-80. Available from:
Review Article


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