Rehab Pipe: The Innovation of the Equipment to Increase Muscle Strength in Flexion and Extension of Elbow and Knee Muscle for the Patients with Muscle Weakness

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Panintorn Konggateyai
Saowaluk Jantharakasamjit
Yaowalak Maneechay
Mingkwan Nontarit


Muscle weakness is a problem affecting mobility and the ability to perform daily activities. The progressive resistive exercise is one of the most successful muscle strengthening methods. This article presents the idea of ​​developing an innovation called “Rehab pipe”, the prototype exercise equipment developed from a local innovation. The “Rehab pipe” aims to increase muscle strength of elbow and knee flexor, as well as extensor muscle groups. This, contributes to the development of muscle functions used for daily tasks and to the improvement quality of life as a whole. However, the effectiveness of this equipment could also be investigated in further research to reassure that it can increase muscle strength when applied to different communities.  

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How to Cite
Konggateyai P, Jantharakasamjit S, Maneechay Y, Nontarit M. Rehab Pipe: The Innovation of the Equipment to Increase Muscle Strength in Flexion and Extension of Elbow and Knee Muscle for the Patients with Muscle Weakness. Siriraj Med Bull [internet]. 2021 Oct. 1 [cited 2025 Jan. 20];14(4):31-7. available from:
Review Article


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