Stressors of Patients with Adjustment Disorders Who Were Admitted To Siriraj Hospital And Factors Associated with Stressors Vulnerability And Suicide Attempt

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Tichakorn Thongkleeb
Sirirat Kooptiwoot
Natee Viravan


Objective: To study the factors associated with stressors vulnerability and suicide attempt in Siriraj Hospital inpatients who were diagnosed with adjustment disorders.
Material & Methods: The analytical cross-sectional study of Siriraj Hospital inpatients who was diagnosed with adjustment disorders. We collected patients’ demographic data, medical data, stressors, and suicide attempt history from electronic medical records. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, Chi-square test, independent t-test, and binary logistic regression.
Results: Of 370 samples, 272 (73.5%) had health problems as stressors, 80 (21.6%) had problems with primary support group as stressors, and 74 (20.0%) attempted suicide. The factors associated with vulnerability to health problems rather than problems with primary support group were older age (10 years) [OR 1.8 (95%CI 1.4-2.3)] and moderate to severe physical illness comorbidities [OR 6.5 (95%CI 2.3-18.3)]. The factors associated with vulnerability to problems with primary support group rather than health problems was married [OR 3.5 (95%CI 1.7-7.4)]. The factors associated with higher risk of suicide attempt were younger age (10 years) [OR 1.5 (95%CI 1.1-2.0)] and having problems with primary support group as a stressor [OR 25.8 (95%CI 11.8-56.4)].
Conclusion: Health problems and problems with primary support group were the main stressors among inpatients with adjustment disorders. Older age or more severe physical illness comorbidities were associated with more vulnerability to stress from health problems. Younger age or married status were associated with more vulnerability to stress from problems with primary support group and higher risk for suicide. Adjustment disorders screening for the high risk groups, physical health promotion, and family strengthening might prevent adjustment disorders and suicide attempts.

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Thongkleeb T, Kooptiwoot S, Viravan N. Stressors of Patients with Adjustment Disorders Who Were Admitted To Siriraj Hospital And Factors Associated with Stressors Vulnerability And Suicide Attempt. Siriraj Med Bull [internet]. 2022 Apr. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];15(2):78-85. available from:
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