Nursing Role on Videourodynamic Study (VUDS)

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Wimol Saekoui
Supawit Luangphattarawong
Sukree Semmard


The kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder and the urethra are the components of the urinary system whose functions including waste and toxins excretion, blood pressure, volume and pH control, as well as electrolyte and metabolite control. If abnormalities in urinary excretion control develop, The chances are that such development could be the major cause of mortality. Urodynamic testing using Videourodynamic Study (VUDS) is a standard method for assessing how well the lower urinary tract functions, by examining the bladder with fluoroscopy. The test reveals the anatomy of the bladder, urethra and the urinary system overall. This allows doctors to identify, if any, the cause of the problem and physical abnormalities, which then provide them with an effective treatment and a follow up plan, accordingly. This article’s aim is to provide nurses, patients’ closest assistants, with understanding of the elements and process of urodynamic testing using Videourodynamic Study (VUDS). As a result, not only can they provide comprehensive care to patients physically and mentally from the pre-examination phase to the post-examination phase, but also advice their family on the matter. This leads to a well-cooperated intra examination, effective treatment, and ultimately, the prevention of complications from the examination.

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How to Cite
Saekoui W, Luangphattarawong S, Semmard S. Nursing Role on Videourodynamic Study (VUDS). Siriraj Med Bull [internet]. 2022 Apr. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];15(2):100-6. available from:
Review Article


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