Role of Nurses in The Prevention and Management of Laryngospasm in Cancer Patients Treated with Oxaliplatin

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Jarinthip Pumsri
Julalak Thiplourlert
Chutikarn Poolpoem


Laryngospasm is common in patients receiving Oxaliplatin. Patients with the condition commonly show dyspnea or wheezing. If not assessed and managed quickly and accurately, may cause disabilities or become life-threatening. Nurses caring for patients receiving Oxaliplatin must have knowledge and understanding of the occurrence of laryngospasms in cancer patients, as well as the factors that cause such conditions to worsen. In addition, possessing observational skills for abnormal symptoms. This is to prevent, lower the risk, monitor and reduce the severity of laryngospasms. The authors reviewed the literature on laryngospasms in Oxaliplatin-treated patients. As a result, it was found that the nursing guidelines consisted of two main parts. First, advise as a preparation before the initiation of medication, which includes abstaining from drinking cold water and ice to reduce the triggers that cause laryngospasms. Second, advise the patient on the leading symptoms of laryngospasm, and how to act when occurs. By utilizing both parts with symptom monitoring and medication management on patients with laryngospasm, nurses could respond by the discontinuation of the drug, oxygen level adjustment or antihistamines or hydrocortisone use. It became apparent that patient’s condition has improved and the severity of laryngospasms has been reduced. The practice of nursing care will ensure the patient’s safety. It also effectively improves the quality of nursing care for cancer patients who receive Oxaliplatin.

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How to Cite
Pumsri J, Thiplourlert J, Poolpoem C. Role of Nurses in The Prevention and Management of Laryngospasm in Cancer Patients Treated with Oxaliplatin. Siriraj Med Bull [internet]. 2022 Apr. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];15(2):123-30. available from:
Review Article


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