Counselor: A Role of Nurse in Psychological Therapy for Hematological Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy

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Jarinthip Pumsri
Pattarika Panya
Julalak Thiplourlert


The need for psychological therapy is particularly crucial for hematologic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. While patients physically suffer from the disease itself, side effects and complications from chemotherapy drugs, they also experience psychological difficulties such as hopelessness, helplessness, fear, anxiety and so on. All those can amplify and worsen their health and recovery process. Counseling is an effective tool for battling such hardships as it encourages patients to be aware of their problems, recognize their needs, and utilize available resources along the way. Therefore, patients would be able to solve or handle the problems well. Once effectively overcame difficulties, patients can gain, ultimately, both physical and psychological health. The counselor is an independent role and is required as one of nursing competencies identified by Thailand Nursing and Midwifery Council. As a health counselor for hematologic cancer patients, nurses apply knowledge regarding hematologic cancer, as well as counseling process and techniques. Utilizing a combination of both roles: a nurse and a counselor, and 2 fields of knowledge: hematologic cancer and counseling, is challenging for hematologic cancer patient care. Hence, this article aims to 1. Discuss the role of nurses as counselor in psychological therapy for hematologic cancer patients during receiving chemotherapy. 2. Provide knowledge about the process of counseling. This could provide and ensure proper standards of care as counselor for the patients.

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How to Cite
Pumsri J, Panya P, Thiplourlert J. Counselor: A Role of Nurse in Psychological Therapy for Hematological Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy. Siriraj Med Bull [internet]. 2022 Apr. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];15(2):114-22. available from:
Review Article


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