The Analytic Study of Medicinal Taste in Thai Traditional Scriptures and Documentary

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Sirikan Poopong
Thapthep Thippayacharoentam
Kodchakorn Somchat
Kangvol Khatshima
Pravit Akarasereenont


Objective: This research is to analyze and compare herbal medicinal taste in Thai traditional medicine scriptures to understand the overall of herbal medicinal taste.

Material & Methods: This research is qualitative research by studies from the primary sources there are 7 scriptures such as Sabba-Lakkhana Sabba-Guna Lae Mahaphikad Scripture, Thatviphang Scripture, Thatvivon scripture, Vorayoksarn Scripture, Ayurvedic book, Brief textbook of medical education and Thai pharmacy text- book. The study process is analysis, comparison and summary of herbal medicinal taste.

Results: The results showed a single taste in all scriptures. There are 4 single tastes in Thatviphang Scripture,
there are 6 single tastes in Vorayoksarn Scripture and Ayurvedic book, there are 7 single tastes in Sabba-Lak- khana Sabba-Guna Lae Mahaphikad Scripture, there are 8 single tastes in Thatvivon scripture, there are 9 single tastes and 10 single tastes in Thai pharmacy textbook. Brief textbook of medical education found the highest number of mix taste (18 tastes), there are 7 tastes that combination with 3 mix tastes and there are 4 tastes that combination with 4 mix tastes. The highest number of mix taste found in Sabba-Lakkhana Sabba-Guna Lae Mahaphikad Scripture. Plain taste only found in Brief textbook of medical education.

Conclusion: Herbal medicines consisted of single tastes and mix tastes. Each scripture had a different medicinal taste. This research can be further developed in teaching Thai traditional medicine including developed the clinical practice and applied in concocting and producing herbal medicine.

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How to Cite
Poopong S, Thippayacharoentam T, Somchat K, Khatshima K, Akarasereenont P. The Analytic Study of Medicinal Taste in Thai Traditional Scriptures and Documentary . Siriraj Med Bull [Internet]. 2022 Jul. 1 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];15(3):131-7. Available from:
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