Evidence of Cannabis for Medical Uses and Its Indications: An Evidence-Based Comparison between Thai Traditional Medicine and Western Medicine

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Jintaphap Duangdamrong
Kulphassorn Jamparngernthaweesri
Yaowares Sathiyos
Sirikan Poopong
Natchagorn Lumlerdkij
Pravit Akarasereenont


According to the Enactment of the Narcotics Act (No. 7), B.E. 2562 (2019), cannabis is eased from being a category 5 narcotic drug list. It was permitted only for research and medical use, causing controver- sial how cannabis affects to human health. Therefore, the objective of this article is to establish an under- standing and awareness of cannabis use. This article reviews the scientific evidence of active ingredient and extract from Cannabis sativa L. The cannabis contains many types of Cannabinoids. Two main components are Cannabidiol (CBD) and Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). CBD, used for relieving chronic pain and anti-epileptic, has non-psychoactive effects. THC containing psychoactive effects is used to relieve vomit- ing, nausea, and enhance appetite. Other Cannabinoids compounds have various pharmacological actions. However, the administration of active compounds or cannabis extract can cause side effects. The common side effects are neurological. According to the available evidence, similar indications of Thai traditional medicines containing cannabis and cannabinoids-based medicine are antiemetic and appetite booster.

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How to Cite
Duangdamrong J, Jamparngernthaweesri K, Sathiyos Y, Poopong S, Lumlerdkij N, Akarasereenont P. Evidence of Cannabis for Medical Uses and Its Indications: An Evidence-Based Comparison between Thai Traditional Medicine and Western Medicine. Siriraj Med Bull [Internet]. 2022 Jul. 1 [cited 2024 Dec. 5];15(3):155-63. Available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/simedbull/article/view/256111
Review Article


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