Online House Modification to Prevent Falls for Elderly Patients in the Community

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Pattipon Kao-ngampanich
Sangrawee Puttason


Home with several hazards could considerably lead to indoor falls in elderly patients with dementia, cerebrovascular disease, and undergone hip or knee replacements resulting in disability and death from falls more than other age groups. Appropriate and safe house modification represents an important role for indoor fall prevention in elderly patients by decreasing the rate of falls compared to hazardous houses without any modification. During the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, the home visit program for house modification was canceled for several years. Then, online house modification was developed by the cooperation of assistive technologists for disabilities and physical therapists to access three dangerous sites for falls at home including bathroom, bedroom, and stairs. Checklists and recommendations for house modification are advised through the online communication system to relatives or caregivers with the goals of promoting elders’ independence, fall prevention, well physical and mental health, and improved quality of life of elderly patients and their families.

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Kao-ngampanich P, Puttason S. Online House Modification to Prevent Falls for Elderly Patients in the Community. Siriraj Med Bull [internet]. 2022 Oct. 1 [cited 2025 Feb. 14];15(4):238-45. available from:
Review Article


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