A Thai Traditional Medicine Guideline: Caring Pregnant Women in Labor Room

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Supattraporn Sodee
Pailin Onphoaree
Dokmai Wiwattamongkoal
Viewwadee Boonleang
Ueamphon Suwannatrai


Pregnant women go through a natural process called labor. The body undergoes modifications in order to prepare for normal labor during the stages of labor. Pregnant women become exhausted and suffer as a result of the changes that cause pain and stress during the stages of childbirth. Although some pregnant women choose for a cesarean section, it is not encouraged. Even though medical technology has evolved and become safer, vaginal delivery allows the body to recover more efficiently than a cesarean section. At the stages of labor in the labor room, applied Thai traditional medicine practitioner is one of the multidisciplinary teams. Thai traditional medicine emphasizes on bodily (court-type Thai traditional massage, hot compression, breathing exercise) and mental well-being (deep listening, healing touch), The goal is to assist pregnant women with pain relief and provide positive encouragement during stages of labor. The aim of the article is to provide information on the Thai traditional medicine guideline for pregnant women's care. The article includes knowledge of Thai traditional medicine in midwifery and an analysis of the changes of 4 body elements related to a labor process.

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How to Cite
Sodee S, Onphoaree P, Wiwattamongkoal D, Boonleang V, Suwannatrai U. A Thai Traditional Medicine Guideline: Caring Pregnant Women in Labor Room. Siriraj Med Bull [Internet]. 2022 Jul. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];15(3):172-80. Available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/simedbull/article/view/256628
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