Neovagina: Care and Service at the Siriraj Female STD Clinic

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Chenchit Chayachinda
Chanakan Kerdklinhom
Kittipoom Chinhiran
Ammarin Suwan
Chanon Neungton


Transsexual women are the transgender women who underwent a few operations in order to have female sex characteristics, including lower genital tract. The neovagina can be made of either skin or colonic mucosa and becomes the main route of sexual intercourse. As time passes, the epithelial lining as well as commensal bacteria will be more closely adapted to that of cisgender women. This results in compatible pattern of reproductive tract infections which is apparently a challenge in the present day. More data regarding this issue are required. The Unit of Gynaecologic Infectious Diseases and Female STD are aware of the global trend of freedom on gender expression albeit the lacking specific health-care service. Little is known that all facilities for female STD patients can be applied to transsexual women. Preparation of multidisciplinary care team, which also includes basic understandings of psycho-bio-social aspects of transsexual women, is thus a pivotal part. This article aims to summarize basic knowledge regarding neovagina as well as reproductive tract infections and the provided service at Siriraj Hospital; and to officially welcome all potential clients to experience our service. Last but not least, this article may ease the process of opening clinics for transsexual women in other area.

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How to Cite
Chayachinda C, Kerdklinhom C, Chinhiran K, Suwan A, Neungton C. Neovagina: Care and Service at the Siriraj Female STD Clinic. Siriraj Med Bull [internet]. 2023 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Feb. 19];16(1):40-6. available from:
Review Article


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