The Development of Spirituality of Medical Teachers
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A medical teacher is a person who teaches doctors by transferring professional knowledge to students. In addition, medical teachers also help raise the mindset and spirit of a doctor to make students become quality members of society through the process of teaching and learning. Therefore, the development of a medical teacher's spirit is an important tool in preparing personnel to have the characteristics or elements of a medical teacher's spirit. Faculty development must start by stimulating the importance and need to be driven both at the individual level, such as the gathering of people with passion, giving feedback and reflection, and making changes at the policy level, such as setting clear directions, listening to problems, assessment criteria, motivation. Guidelines for faculty development include formal teaching such as short course training, elective courses, seminars, educational projects, and informal teaching such as exchanging experiences from role models, mentoring, peer teaching. This can be done for both novice and senior teachers or can be started from residents or medical students, but the content to be developed should be chosen according to the level of learners and continuous development. In addition, there must be various support such as policy, the budget and agencies that support the faculty development to have the spirit of medical teachers such as the Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital established SHEE and developed it through the SHEE programs.
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