Thai Traditional Herbal Medicines Used in the Treatment of Kasai in The Thai Tradition Medicine Textbook (Phaetthayasatsongkhro Chabap Anuraks) Volume 1 Compared with the Recipe of Siriraj Ayurved Clinic of Applied Thai Traditional Medicine: Analysis Based on Thai Traditional Pharmacy

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Thamnapat Duangdee
Kamontip Harnphadungkit
Pravit Akarasereenont
Kangvol Khatshima
Suksalin Booranasubkajorn


Objectives: To study and catalogue herbal medicines and recipes used for the treatment of Kasai in the Thai Traditional Medicine Textbook (Phaethysartsongkhraoh Chabab Anuraks) Vol.1, to compare herbal medicines and recipes according to the 4 principles of Thai traditional pharmacy for the treatment of Kasai in the scriptures with Siriraj Ayurved Clinic of Applied Thai Traditional Medicine.

Materials and Methods: This research is qualitative. Herbal recipes and herbs for the treatment of Kasai in the scriptures and Siriraj Ayurved Clinic of Applied Thai were listed. The names of crude drugs and their medicinal tastes were checked by experts, analyzed, and compared herbal medicines and recipes according to the 4 principles of Thai traditional pharmacy with the Siriraj Ayurved Clinic of Applied Thai. Then the literature search was performed using PubMed and Google scholar databases to find scientific evidence related to the treatment of Kasai.

Results: A comparison of data found that 72 medicinal ingredients mentioned in the scriptures were also used for the treatment of Kasai at the clinic. Medicinal ingredients with a pungent taste, the groups of herbs Thian-thang-ha and Kot-thang-ha, and the preparation form of decoction were also found most commonly used for Kasai treatments both in the scriptures and at the clinic. Lastly, out of all the ingredients, 7 herbs were found with scientific evidence supporting their use in the treatment of Kasai. The clinical research supports 4 herbs: Zingiber officinale Rosc., Zingiber cassumunar Roxb., Terminalia chebula Retz. and Curcuma longa L.. The preclinical research supports 3 herbs: Allium Sativum L., Orthosiphon aristatus (Blume) Miq. and Boesenbergia rotunda (L.) Mansf..

Conclusion: The Kasai were mentioned in many scriptures of Thai traditional medicine. The use of herbal recipes is more common than single herbs. The lack of scientific evidence suggests that there is a crucial need for research on these remedies to provide rational uses. The data obtained from this study can be further utilized to use in the clinical practice of Thai traditional medicine, especially in the use of herbal medicines for the treatment of Kasai.

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How to Cite
Duangdee T, Harnphadungkit K, Akarasereenont P, Khatshima K, Booranasubkajorn S. Thai Traditional Herbal Medicines Used in the Treatment of Kasai in The Thai Tradition Medicine Textbook (Phaetthayasatsongkhro Chabap Anuraks) Volume 1 Compared with the Recipe of Siriraj Ayurved Clinic of Applied Thai Traditional Medicine: Analysis Based on Thai Traditional Pharmacy. Siriraj Med Bull [Internet]. 2023 Apr. 1 [cited 2024 Sep. 10];16(2):97-106. Available from:
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