The Development of Thai Traditional Medicine for Inpatient Service at Rehabilitation Ward

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Chanticha Darunsawat
Wipavee Jongkoldee
Nuttakan Karnlert
Sutthada Buatkaew
Thanaphak Chaopeerapong
Supakij Suwannatrai
Ueamphon Suwannatrai
Kamontip Harnphadungkit
Pravit Akarasereenont


Nowadays, Thai Traditional medicine has developed outpatient and inpatient care services with a multidisciplinary team. From the practical experience of applied Thai Traditional medicine, it was found that problems are caused by the following reasons; there are more complications and comorbidities than outpatient, no treatment guideline for certain groups of diseases or illnesses in inpatient group established in Thai Traditional medicine scriptures, and also problems in communication between professions. As a result, Thai traditional medicine services have uncleared clinical practice guidelines. This may affect treatment effectiveness and patient safety. The Institute of Applied Thai Traditional Medicine has been working with the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine Faculty of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital, at the Rehabilitation Ward. The goal is to provide holistic patient care with multidisciplinary care. Therefore, guidelines for providing Thai traditional medicine services have been developed with the following steps: first, knowledge management in Thai Traditional medicine and western medicine, second are the development of clinical practice guidelines, case record form, and operational procedures, third is pilot work with interdisciplinary professionals, fourth is skill training, and evaluation. The fifth is sustainable knowledge development, respectively. As a result of the guideline, it was found that Thai Traditional medicine services had standardized medical practices, efficient data recording, and operation form which is beneficial to the patient and has no incidence from treatment. Moreover, it helps to promote research and academic creation of Thai traditional medicine for empirical evidence and is a source of training and experience for applied Thai traditional medicine students, Thai Traditional medicine and applied Thai Traditional medicine doctors from hospitals in various networks, which can further be developed expand knowledge and can contribute to the development of the country's health system.

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Darunsawat C, Jongkoldee W, Karnlert N, Buatkaew S, Chaopeerapong T, Suwannatrai S, Suwannatrai U, Harnphadungkit K, Akarasereenont P. The Development of Thai Traditional Medicine for Inpatient Service at Rehabilitation Ward. Siriraj Med Bull [internet]. 2023 Apr. 1 [cited 2025 Feb. 7];16(2):164-72. available from:
Review Article


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