Occupational Therapy for Frozen Shoulder

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Rawibhorn Bowornpitakwong
Wipawee Tanapatiwat
Chanarat Nimchuen
Chayaporn Chotiyarnwong


A frozen shoulder is a health issue caused by the smooth tissues of the shoulder capsule becoming inflamed and thickened. It can separate into 3 phases. Phase 1, the Painful or Freezing phase, is the phase that the pain affects the sleep cycle and makes the patient decrease in moving a shoulder joint which will lead the patient to Phase 2. Phase 2, Progressive stiffness or Frozen phase, the stiffness of the shoulder joint appears in this phase. It can reduce shoulder joint movement and affects the ability to perform the activities of daily living such as dressing and showering. Phase 3 is the Resolution or Thawing phase. Occupational therapy aims to release the pain and promote the patient to do the activities of daily living by advising bed positioning, advising posture when performing any activities by using the one-hand technique, selecting the assistive devices that help the patient to participate in the activities of daily living or environmental modification, and providing a home program for exercising. All these suggestions will help the patient in every phase of frozen shoulder to maintain their ability to perform the activities of daily living and have a better quality of life.

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How to Cite
Bowornpitakwong R, Tanapatiwat W, Nimchuen C, Chotiyarnwong C. Occupational Therapy for Frozen Shoulder. Siriraj Med Bull [Internet]. 2023 Jul. 1 [cited 2024 Dec. 2];16(3):253-9. Available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/simedbull/article/view/260689
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