Evaluation of Evidence-Based Medicine Related to Health Care of Thai Traditional Massage

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Ketmanee Jongjiamdee
Thanaphak Chaowpeerapong
Sukree Kade
Tientham Apichanyatham
Nives Bavornkullawat
Ueamphon Suwannatrai
Pravit Akarasereenont


Thai massage is a knowledge of Thai traditional medicine. At present, there are three forms of Thai massage. First, the court-type Thai traditional massage uses only the thumb(s), fingers, and palm. Second, the general-type Thai traditional massage uses not only the various parts of the body to massage but also might use any specific tool to massage. Lastly, the Thai folk massage, which local folk healer uses. These three types of massage have been widely used in Thai traditional medicine for clinical practice and health promotion. The search for clinical research in Thai massage between 2009-2022 A.D. found 24 and 111 studies in PubMed and Google Scholar, respectively. The studies of Thai massage have related to the effects of pain reduction, relief of muscle stiffness, stimulation of blood circulation, effect on the digestive system, urinary and reproductive system, and also impact on mindfulness and stress. The evidence level assessment and the Oxford Center for Evidence-Based Medicine (OCEBM) 2011 recommendations found that most of the evidence levels of court-type Thai traditional massage and general-type Thai traditional massage are levels 2-3, which is recommendation grade B, which can be used in clinical practice for Thai traditional medicine and recommended to service the clients. Whereas Thai folk massage has no evidence, it operates under the folk healer's experience.

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How to Cite
Jongjiamdee K, Chaowpeerapong T, Kade S, Apichanyatham T, Bavornkullawat N, Suwannatrai U, Akarasereenont P. Evaluation of Evidence-Based Medicine Related to Health Care of Thai Traditional Massage. Siriraj Med Bull [internet]. 2023 Apr. 1 [cited 2025 Feb. 15];16(2):147-54. available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/simedbull/article/view/261279
Review Article


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