Holistic Care in Adolescents with Sexual Risk

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Supinya ln-iw


Adolescence is a critical period which adolescents require to explore their sexuality. However, engaging in sexual activities during this stage can pose significant risks to an individual's well-being, both physically and emotionally. This review aims to highlight the importance of holistic care in addressing sexual risk among adolescents, focusing on key aspects such as assessment of sexual behaviors, screening for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), factors associated with sexual risk, and the role of comprehensive sexuality education. To establishing trust, patient confidentiality is the main approach to ensure that adolescents feel safe and secure in disclosing sensitive information such as sexual risk behaviors. A comprehensive structure framework namely HEEADSSS assessment use to evaluate an adolescent's psychosocial well-being and identify individual's relationships, experiences, and sexual behaviors. Screening all sexually active adolescents enhance the detection of STDs and prompt management. Comprehensive sexuality education should be addressed extensively to promote healthy sexual behaviors. Healthcare professionals can provide effective holistic care to support the sexual health well-being of adolescents and prevent risk associated sexual health outcomes.

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How to Cite
ln-iw S. Holistic Care in Adolescents with Sexual Risk. Siriraj Med Bull [Internet]. 2023 Oct. 1 [cited 2024 Sep. 20];16(4):313-20. Available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/simedbull/article/view/263489
Review Article


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