Smoking Cessation: The Role of Nurses at Fahsai Clinic, Siriraj Hospital

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Naris Jaiborisuttigull
Kwanruthai Parre
Surasak Mulsrisuk


Smoking significantly affects public health systems and the health of people worldwide. The number of smokers and the death toll continue to rise annually due to various factors, including health concerns, economic burdens, social pressures, environmental impact, and prevailing attitudes and beliefs. These problems pose a significant challenge in Thai society, especially  among  teenagers who are curious and may be tempted to experiment, leading to chronic diseases and higher medical costs.
This article highlights the role of nurses in promoting public health through smoking cessation programs at the Fahsai Clinic at Siriraj Hospital. Nurses play a crucial role by providing counseling and support for smokers. This process involves evaluating each smoker, analyzing their individual challenges, offering personalized advice, and continuously monitoring their progress. Nurses also focus on strengthening motivation and providing ongoing support to help smokers quit permanently and achieve a better quality of life.

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How to Cite
Jaiborisuttigull N, Parre K, Mulsrisuk S. Smoking Cessation: The Role of Nurses at Fahsai Clinic, Siriraj Hospital. Siriraj Med Bull [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 1 [cited 2024 Dec. 27];17(3):209-15. Available from:
Review Article


World Health Organization. Tobacco [Internet]. World Health Organization. World Health Organization; 2023. Available from:

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