The Role of Nurses in Pediatric Patients Obtained Fluorescein Angiography (FA)

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khannikha kumteam
Supalert Prakhunhungsit


Fluorescein angiography (FA) is a specialized imaging technique used to evaluate blood flow abnormalities in the retina and choroid of pediatric patients. It aids in diagnosing conditions like abnormal retinal neovascularization, epiretinal membrane formation, retinal detachment, and blood vessel leakage. FA plays a crucial role in diagnosis, disease severity assessment, treatment planning, and disease monitoring. The procedure involves injecting fluorescein dye intravenously (most common) or orally, followed by real-time capture of retinal fundus photographs. While complications can range from mild to severe, concerns about these potential side effects may lead young patients and their guardians to avoid the examination. Nursing care is therefore critical to the successful and safe performance of FA. Nurses with expertise in procedural care, disease education, and patient counseling play a vital role. They can effectively prepare patients and parents by providing information about the condition, the importance of FA, and the possibility of complications. This comprehensive approach empowers informed decision-making and facilitates a smooth and successful FA experience.

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How to Cite
kumteam khannikha, Prakhunhungsit S. The Role of Nurses in Pediatric Patients Obtained Fluorescein Angiography (FA). Siriraj Med Bull [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 1 [cited 2024 Dec. 27];17(3):217-23. Available from:
Review Article


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