The validity of fitness watches synced with an accelerometer for measuring spatiotemporal parameters during running

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Natthakitt Yongpraderm
Chatchai Phirawatthakul
Jitapa Chawawisuttikool
Orawan Prasartwuth


Background: Fitness watches can track many metrics such as daily step counts, heart rate, and sleep quality, etc. When they synced with accelerometers can also provide valuable information about spatiotemporal parameters during running such as cadence, ground contact time, stride length, and vertical oscillation. To use these devices as research tools, an investigation is needed to determine their validity.

Objective: To validate spatiotemporal parameters derived from fitness watches and accelerometers compared to those same parameters obtained from a video gait analysis system such as walker view treadmill.

Methods: Thirty-four active runners who have had no leg injuries for the past 6 months were recruited (age 38.89±6.79 years, weight 64.17±10.62 kg, height 168.57±8.53 cm, and BMI 22.41±1.84 kg/m2). They wore fitness watches synced with an accelerometer and ran for 2 minutes on a walker view treadmill. This treadmill was used as a gold standard since it was equipped with a 3D camera, foot sensors, and a force platform. Spatiotemporal parameters from fitness watches synced with accelerometers were then compared to these same parameters that were obtained from a walker view treadmill.

Results: The validity of cadence, ground contact time, stride length, and vertical oscillation, indicated by the intraclass correlation (ICC 3,1) was 0.99, 0.94, 0.86, and 0.80, respectively. Cadence and ground contact time showed excellent validity while stride length and vertical oscillation demonstrated good validity.

Conclusion: Fitness watches synced with an accelerometer can provide good to excellent validity compared to a walker view treadmill when measuring spatiotemporal running parameters.

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