Effects of a Problem Based Learning Online Program for Nursing Students during COVID-19 Global Pandemic on Learning Outcomes according to Thai Qualifications Framework for Higher Education

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Yupawan Thongtanunam
Worapanit Sukrapat
Suppakorn Wankrathok
Pattanin Santayakorn


As the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic spread across the world, Thailand declared a state of emergency throughout the Kingdom. Educational institutions were required to online teaching and learning pedagogies. This pre-posttest one group quasi-experimental research aimed to study the results of PBL-OP on the learning outcomes according to Thai Qualifications Framework for Higher Education. The sample consisted of 153 third-year nursing students. The data were collected using the online questionnaires which consisted of Self-perception based on Thai Qualifications Framework for Higher Education (S-p TQF-HEd) questionnaires, as well as the knowledge test regarding nursing care of patients with neurological disorders. Based on the measurement properties tested, the IOC of the questionnaires ranged from .67-1.00 and the questionnaire reliabilities ranged from .78-.96. The face validity (S-CVI/UA) of knowledge test was .80 and the difficulty index of the test ranged from .20-.62. The research results revealed that after completion of study, students had scores of S-p TQF-HEd and knowledge test at the good level. In addition, the scores after studying were statistically significantly higher than those before studying at the p-value of .05 (t=2.817, p=.005; t=2.652, p=.009; t=5.285, p=.000; t=13.95, p=.000, respectively). In conclusion, the development of the problem-based online learning program should be further promoted and integrated with face-to-face learning as a blended-hybrid learning program.

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How to Cite
Thongtanunam Y, Sukrapat W, Wankrathok S, Santayakorn P. Effects of a Problem Based Learning Online Program for Nursing Students during COVID-19 Global Pandemic on Learning Outcomes according to Thai Qualifications Framework for Higher Education. NJPH (วารสาร พ.ส.) [internet]. 2021 Aug. 5 [cited 2025 Jan. 18];31(2):10-25. available from: https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/tnaph/article/view/252562


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