The Development of a Competency Enhancement Model for Perioperative Nurses in Rajavithi Hospital

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Srisuda Peerawanichkul
Anong Sornchai
Wilawan Tantisittiporn
Kampong Kamnon
Wonpen Sugsang


This research and development study aimed to 1) study the competency and the need for competency enhancement of perioperative nurses, Rajavithi hospital, 2) develop a competency enhancement model for perioperative nurses, and 3) determine the effectiveness of the developed model. The research was divided into four phases. Phase 1: The study of competency and the need for competency enhancement of perioperative nurses. One hundred and two nurses answered the questionnaire on needs and competency enhancement. Head nurses of each unit also completed the same questionnaire. Phase 2: The development of enhancing competency model involved a series of team workshops and brainstorming with experts. Phase 3: A quasi-experimental study (One group pre-posttest design) assessed the effectiveness of the model. Thirty-six nurses were selected by purposive sampling for the study over a four-week period. Descriptive statistics such as mean and percentage were reported. The differences of quantitative variables were compared using paired t-test. Phase 4: The competency enhancement model was approved by three experts. The results revealed that 1) the competency for perioperative nurses was at a high level, as both evaluated by themselves and the unit’s head nurses. Average competency scores were 273.43 and 247.84, respectively. 2) The four main components of the competency enhancement model consisted of principles, objectives, development, and evaluation. 3) The competency enhancement model was effective in enhancing perioperative nurses’ performance. Nurses reported a high satisfaction with the model. The incidence of an adverse event was likely reduced. The competency enhancement model was approved by experts, and can be used as a guideline to develop the competency of perioperative nurses in other hospitals.

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How to Cite
Peerawanichkul S, Sornchai A, Tantisittiporn W, Kamnon K, Sugsang W. The Development of a Competency Enhancement Model for Perioperative Nurses in Rajavithi Hospital. NJPH (วารสาร พ.ส.) [internet]. 2021 Aug. 5 [cited 2025 Jan. 18];31(2):26-41. available from:


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