The Development of Work Engagement Scale for Professional Nurses in General Hospitals under the Ministry of Public Health

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Pranee Meehanpong
Suneerat Boonsin
Sineenat Thipmusik
Phechnoy Singchungchai


This study aimed to develop a scale of work engagement for professional nurses in General Hospitals under the Ministry of Public Health and to validate the model . The participants consisted of 420 professional nurses in General Hospitals under the Ministry of Public Health randomly selected using multi-stage sampling. Data were collected using a questionnaire of work engagement for professional nurses. Data were analyzed using factor analysis with principle component and Varimax rotation. Construct validity was analyzed using a software package program. The results showed that a scale of work engagement for professional nurses in General Hospitals under the Ministry of Public Health consisted of four factors: 1) Enthusiasm, 2) Vigor, 3) Dedication, and 4) Absorption, including 23 items with factor loading of .54-.80 and accounted for 54.02 % of total variance. The measurement model of work engagement for professional nurses in general hospitals under the Ministry of Public Health was consistent with the empirical data with Chi-square=267.67, df=192, χ2/df= 1.39 GFI=.94, AGFI=.92, RMSEA=.03. This research can be used as a guide to develop research tools of work engagement for professional nurses in other hospitals under the Ministry of Public Health. However, content validity should be evaluated for context in each hospital prior to the use this tool.

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How to Cite
Meehanpong P, Boonsin S, Thipmusik S, Singchungchai P. The Development of Work Engagement Scale for Professional Nurses in General Hospitals under the Ministry of Public Health. NJPH (วารสาร พ.ส.) [internet]. 2021 Aug. 5 [cited 2025 Jan. 18];31(2):42-53. available from:


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