Causal Factors Influencing Physical Functional Recovery of the Elderly Following Hip Surgery

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Sadakan Eamchunprathip
Titaree Phanwichatkul


Functional recovery in the elderly following hip surgery affects their quality of life. This study was conducted to examine causal factors influencing the physical functional recovery in the elderly following hip surgery over a period of 3 to 6 months, in 12 hospitals. Eight tertiary and 4 medical hospitals were included. A stratified random sampling method was used to select the sample. The sample size was calculated by using the probability proportional to size sampling (PPS) method. The number of samples was 37-41 depending on the difference in the number of surgical patients in each hospital. Samples were randomly selected by the convenience method to answer the self-administered questionnaires. Instruments used for data collection were general information questionnaires, a family caregiver support questionnaire, a self-management questionnaire, a health service system questionnaire, and a physical function recovery questionnaire. Data were analyzed using path analysis with the AMOS program. The results revealed that age, comorbidity, pain, support from family caregivers, and care models had a direct effect on self-management, indirect effect on the physical functional recovery, and explained 24 % of the variance in self-management (R2=.244, p<.001), and self-management explained 2.4% of the variance in physical functional recovery (R2=.0244, p<.001). These study findings suggest that the physical functional recovery following hip surgery in the elderly is related to many factors, with both direct and indirect effects. Although self-management had a direct effect on post-operative recov­ery, self-management for a healthy recovery needs to control the underlying condition, pain management, family caregiver support, and continuing health services post-discharge.

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How to Cite
Eamchunprathip S, Phanwichatkul T. Causal Factors Influencing Physical Functional Recovery of the Elderly Following Hip Surgery. NJPH (วารสาร พ.ส.) [internet]. 2021 Aug. 5 [cited 2025 Jan. 18];31(2):166-80. available from:


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