The Application of the Theory of Interpersonal Relations to Communicate with Older Adults who Suffer from Depression


  • จุฑามาศ ทองประดับ Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing Branch, Srisavarindhira Thai Red Cross Institute of Nursing


depression, older adults, communication


            Depression is a major mental health problem in older adults. Older adults suffering from depression have alterations in cognitive, emotion, motivation, physical and behavior as a result of negative automatic thoughts about themselves and the environment. In addition, older adults also have impairment of the five senses which affects communication. Therefore, older adults suffering from depression have ineffective communication that mean it is difficult for nurses, health teams and caregivers to assess and provide help. So, the application of the theory of interpersonal relations and communication techniques to communicate with older adults who suffer from depression is an important tool for understanding the problem and helping older adults who suffer from depression.


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