Publication Ethics

Code of Ethics for Publication in the Thai Red Cross Nursing Journal

            The Thai Red Cross Nursing Journal is an academic publication under the Srisavarindhira Thai Red Cross Institute of Nursing managed by the Editorial Board with the determination to promote academic integrity in the dissemination of research/academic articles. The Srisavarindhira Thai Red Cross Institute of Nursing supports authors, the Editor, and reviewers in fulfilling their ethical responsibilities while defending against corrupting influences and dishonest practices in academia.

            To raise and maintain the quality of research/academic articles, the Thai Red Cross Nursing Journal has implemented the policy and guidelines stipulated by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) in 2017, detailing, endorsing, and promoting responsible and ethical operations in academic dissemination in its process of publication, consultation, and/or information provision.


Ethical Standards for Authors, the Editor, and Reviewers

Duties and Responsibilities of Authors

  1. An author must submit an unpublished manuscript that is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. In the event that the author wishes to withdraw the submission for publication in another journal, s/he is required to notify the Editor in writing prior to doing so.
  2. The author and co-authors listed in a manuscript must all consent to and acknowledge the submission of the manuscript for publication in the Thai Red Cross Nursing Journal. Furthermore, the author and all co-authors must be involved in the research and/or authoring process. Should it be later found that the author or any of the co-authors listed in the manuscript have no such involvement, the Thai Red Cross Nursing Journal reserves the right to immediately retract the submission.
  3. An author is required to format the components or headings of a manuscript in accordance with the latest Manuscript Preparation Manual, downloadable from the website of the Srisavarindhira Thai Red Cross Institute of Nursing.
  4. An author must not submit for publication in the Thai Red Cross Nursing Journal a manuscript that copies or presents others’ academic work, be it in part or in its entirety, without proper citation. For academic integrity, the percentage of the submitted manuscript identified as being matched against other sources using the Thai Journal Citation Index Center’s (TCI) CopyCatch and Turnitin is determined at no more than 20%.
  5. To enable information search, an author whose submitted manuscript involves the presentation of others’ academic work must include in-text citations of the work mentioned or quoted together with corresponding entries in the reference list in full compliance with the Manuscript Preparation Manual. In the event of a copyright infringement lawsuit resulting from the failure to cite properly, the author of the manuscript shall be held solely accountable. The Thai Red Cross Nursing Journal shall accept no liability in such a lawsuit and immediately retract the dissemination of the manuscript involved.
  6. An author is obliged to check the accuracy of the works cited in terms of the reliability of the sources referred to and of the owners and to refrain from citing retracted publications.
  7. An author is required to revise his/her manuscript according to the feedback and comments of the Editor and reviewers within the specified time frame. Failure to do so will lead to a delay in the dissemination of the manuscript or, in severe cases, a termination of the submission.
  8. An author is obliged to specify any research grant received in the manuscript’s acknowledgements and disclose any potential conflict of interest.
  9. An author must adhere to a high level of academic integrity, refraining from the falsification or fabrication of findings to reach predetermined conclusions.
  10. An author whose manuscript involves the disclosure of personal data or of data whose owner may not wish to disclose must obtain prior written consent for disclosure from the owner of such data. In the event of a copyright infringement and/or unauthorized data disclosure lawsuit resulting from the failure to do so, the author of the manuscript shall be held solely accountable. The Thai Red Cross Nursing Journal shall accept no liability in such a lawsuit and immediately retract the dissemination of the manuscript involved.
  11. An author whose manuscript involves research using human or animal subjects is required to obtain a letter of permission to conduct the said research from a Human Research Ethics Committee or an Animal Research Ethics Committee and present it to the Editor of the Thai Red Cross Nursing Journal.
  12. An author must not submit a duplicate manuscript for publication in the Thai Red Cross Nursing Journal. A manuscript published in another journal or found to involve duplication shall be immediately retracted from dissemination by the Thai Red Cross Nursing Journal Editorial Board.


Duties and Responsibilities of the Editor

  1. The Editor is commissioned to solicit article submissions and manage the journal in accordance with the policy and objectives of the TCI and of the Thai Red Cross Nursing Journal.
  2. The Editor shall scrutinize and rigorously select manuscripts for publication applying valid and reliable research methodology and principles for the utmost benefit of readers.
  3. The Editor shall detect plagiarism and breaches of academic integrity using reliable software. Should the Editor discover that a manuscript submitted for publication involves plagiarism or exceeds the determined percentage of match, s/he shall immediately reject the manuscript and retract the submission.
  4. The Editor shall be responsible for arranging a double-blind peer review process where three experts are requested to consider a manuscript submitted for publication in the Thai Red Cross Nursing Journal.
  5. The Editor shall refrain from exploiting authors and/or reviewers, either directly or indirectly, as well as maintain impartiality and objectivity in interactions with authors and/or reviewers.
  6. The Editor shall be responsible for the peer review process to ensure that it is line with the objectives and disciplinary scope of the journal pursuant to universally accepted academic standards.
  7. The Editor and Editoral Board shall not use an article or any part of it for their personal benefit or the benefit of any persons in their favor without written consent from the author of the article.
  8. The Editor shall not accept a manuscript containing language that defames, insults, or threatens the monarchy, a religious institution, an administrative institution, or that is contrary to public order or good morals.
  9. The Editor shall not disclose any information about an author and/or reviewer to one another or any person with no involvement in the matter during the review process through a double-blind procedure.
  10. The Editor shall continually work to improve the academic quality and standard of the Thai Red Cross Nursing Journal.
  11. In the event that a matter arises that is beyond his/her power to resolve, the Editor shall refer the matter to the Editorial Board in order to make a consensual decision.

Duties and Responsibilities of Reviewers

  1. A reviewer shall accept only an assignment that falls in a discipline in which s/he specializes and review the manuscript in an impartial and objective manner based on its quality of content, clarity, and comprehensiveness.
  2. If a reviewer deems an assignment to involve a potential conflict of interest hindering an honest and fair review, s/he shall notify the Editor and decline the assignment.
  3. A reviewer must not disclose information pertaining to a manuscript to any uninvolved person during the review process.
  4. A reviewer should be aware of the need to publish an article of an author and duly review the article in a timely manner.
  5. A reviewer shall notify the Editor in the event that s/he discovers that a manuscript or any part of it contains material that may be plagiarized or violate copyright.
  6. A reviewer shall not use an article or any part of it for his/her personal benefit or the benefit of any persons in his/her favor without written consent from the author of the article.
  7. A reviewer shall adhere to nursing ethics in reviewing a manuscript and discharge his/her duties in an impartial, objective, and responsible manner to a high academic standard.
  8. A reviewer shall notify the Editor of any potential ethical issues, including the misconduct of fabrication and/or imitation of work, detected during the review process.
  9. A reviewer shall provide constructive feedback in sufficient detail to enable an author to improve his/her work as well as offer recommendations to remediate the flaws contained therein.
  10. A reviewer shall immediately respond to the Editor’s inquiries when requested to provide additional information or clarification pertaining to the revision of an article.