Effect of Practicing SKT3 to Control Lipid Level among Dyslipidemia Persons
dyslipidemia, meditation for healing, SKT3Abstract
This two group, pre-test and post-test study design aims to examine the effects of SKT3 healing meditation on the cholesterol levels of persons with dyslipidemia. The subjects were 60 persons with dyslipidemia attending the outpatient clinic at Banmai and Laemrang health promotion hospital, Phichit province. The subjects were purposively selected based on the inclusion criteria and were assigned into experimental and control groups with 30 subjects per group. The experimental group participated in 4-week long SKT3 healing meditation, while the control group did not engage in any meditation program. Dyslipidemia persons’ record of practicing SKT 3 healing meditation and cholesterol level before and after was measured. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and paired t-test.
The results found that the cholesterol level of the dyslipidemia persons in the experimental group significantly decreased after performing SKT3 healing meditation (p < 0.001). The cholesterol level of the dyslipidemia persons in the experimental group was significantly lower than those of the control group (p < 0.001). The results of this study indicate that nurses can use the SKT3 healing meditation as a valuable complementary approach for controlling the cholesterol levels of persons with dyslipidemia.
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