Coping Experience of Patients with Breast Cancer


  • ศักดา ขำคม School of Psychiatric Nursing, Institute of Nursing, Suranaree University of Technology


breast cancer, coping, experience


             This phenomenological research aimed to study  the coping experiences of  breast  cancer patients  as regards  stress  and  the coping  concept  of  Lazarus and Folkman. In-depth interviews were used to collect data from forty-five participants who had breast cancer and had undergone treatment in Nakhon Ratchasima. Data were analyzed using the modified Colaizzi's method. The results were as follows: 1. Reaction to illness.  i) Phase of screening and waiting period;  most of  them were frightened, worried, and fearful that they would have cancer. ii) Phase of knowing the results; they had different reactions such as denial, separation, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. iii) Phase of living with the disease; they sought more knowledge and decreased stress and anxiety. 2. Adaptation  i) Lifestyle change post-illness; they worked less and were more concerned about the care  of themselves. ii) They were not suicidal because they feared sin. iii) Reasons for living were  loving and caring for their families. iv) After illness, they felt their life was precious so they must take greater care of themselves. v) Feelings in daily lifestyle; most of them thought that they were valuable, advantaged, accepted and fought the disease.  3. Mental Health and coping; Most of them were of healthy mental health status.  They consulted and asked for support from their families. The findings of this study will be beneficial in promoting mental health and adaptation for future breast cancer patients.


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