Effectiveness of an Education Program for Youth Leaders in Providing Care for Elderly People in Tha-Muang Subdistrict Community, Selaphum District, Roi Et province.
elderly care in community, education program, attitude, skillAbstract
The purpose of this quasi-experimental research aimed to study the effectiveness of an education program for youth leaders in providing care for elderly people. The participants were 51 youth leaders at Tha-Muang school, Tha-Muang Sub-district, Selaphum District, Roi Et province, and they were selected by simple random sampling with a lottery method. The study was conducted during March to June 2020 by using knowledge, attitude and skill questionnaires. Data were analyzed by percentage, mean, standard deviation and paired t-test.
The study results showed that most of the youth leaders were female (60.8%). About 28% of them were 16 years old and 47.1% were studying in secondary school (Matayom 2). All of them were Buddhist. After participating in the twelve-week educational program, the youth leaders had higher mean scores of knowledge, attitude, and skill in providing care for elderly people in the community, compared to those in the pre-experiment significantly at a level of .05. The findings will be useful for those involved to apply the activities for enhancing the knowledge, attitude, and skill in providing care for elderly people by youth leaders. These findings will lead to the effective caring of elderly people in communities.
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