The Effect of Cognitive Program by Using Music Therapy with Multisensory Stimulation on Cognitive Abilities, Behavioral, and Psychological Symptoms in Elderly with Dementia
cognitive abilities, behavioral and psychological symptoms, dementia, elderlyAbstract
The study was a one-group quasi-experimental research with a pre-test and a post-test. The purpose of this research was to study the effect of a cognitive program by using music therapy with multisensory stimulation on cognitive abilities, behavioral, and psychological symptoms in elderly with dementia. The participants, recruited via convenience sampling, were 12 older adults living in an elderly care and rehabilitation center. The data were collected by using Mini-Mental State Examination Thai 2002 (MMSE-Thai 2002) and Neuropsychiatric inventory questionnaires (NPI-Q). Music Therapy activities were held 4 times a week over a period of 3 weeks. The data were analysed using descriptive statistics and paired t-test.
The study found that the subjects’ average cognition score was higher than that before the intervention (p < .001) and the average score of behavioral, and psychological symptoms were less than that before the intervention (p < .01).
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